martes, 27 de octubre de 2015

Bitcoin and Forex

The Bitcoin is a currency like any other, but digital.
Was released in early 2009 when suddenly his jump value of $ 2 to $ 266 US dollars between February and April, leading to a market valuation of more than 2000 million.

Like the foreign exchange market "Forex", this virtual currency also has its presence in the forex market and high volatility also known as digital fever other investors try to make the most of the bitcoin.

So if you have decided to enter the forex trading as the main currency Bitcoin. Importantly, conventional currency markets trading with the money of stable and profitable countries, fluctuations in the value of each currency are measured in fractions of a cent. Instead the value of Bitcoin dramatically up and down throughout each trading day, jumping in whole dollar amounts. This means that if you do not have the necessary knowledge according to fluctuations and transaction places an order at the wrong time, lose large amounts of money than lose dollars in trade with yen.

But you know bitcoin trends you can earn big money.

Here I leave a link where you can view past and today graphs regarding bitcoin. HERE

In terms of a learning curve for Bitcoin novices, there is no real difference between Bitcoin and Forex trading.

  • Like Forex, The price of a Bitcoin is determined by supply and demand.
  • And when the demand for Forex or Bitcoin increases, the price increases, and when demand falls, the price falls.
  • There are only a limited number of Bitcoins in circulation, with new Bitcoins created at a predictable and decreasing rate. Although Forex has over 4 trillion dollars in Liquidity
  • The demand for Bitcoins must follow this level of inflation to keep the price stable.
  • Forex works on the fundamentals of Countries.